
The Rooms That Mirrors Can Instantly Have An Impact In

As of 22 July 2021

In times gone by, mirrors were seen to only be suitable for bathrooms; these, after-all, were perfect for when you needed to get ready before going out. As the years have gone by, however, homeowners have started to come to the realisation that these are versatile accessories, and can work in a variety of different locations. Here at Fitted Mirrors, we specialise in supplying bespoke mirrors. The experience that we have amassed means that we can guide you on the areas of your property that can play-host to a quality mirror.

Entrance Hallway

Depending on the type of house that you live in, you may be blessed with an entrance hallway. Due to the fact that this is where guests will make a first-impression on you, it is important to invest a significant amount of time and effort into decorating. As soon as you hang a long custom mirror here, you can improve the aesthetics beyond belief. Creating the mirrored effect here will prove to be a stroke of genius.

Dining Room

There are some families that still like to take a moment at the end of the day to eat with one another – this offers an opportunity to catch up, and converse about the day’s events. Should you find yourself fitting this description, now may be the time to hang a mirror in your dining room. Regardless of the particular model that you choose from the wide-range of mirrored products on the market, the impact that can be achieved will not be lost on you.

Living Room

Some people argue that living rooms are not a suitable home for a mirror – this is an opinion that we strongly disagree with. Whilst it could prove to be a distraction, if you have a custom unit cut-to-size it won’t take long for you to begin to appreciate how wonderful this addition can be. If you are lucky enough to have a fireplace, we recommend that you place your mirror directly above – together, they will act as wonderful focal points, from which you can subsequently decorate around. Additionally, they will allow natural light from your windows to reflect around, giving a spacious feel.


Despite having already touched upon it, we feel that it is only right that we take a moment to reinforce the fact that bathroom mirrors are incredibly popular. If you have the financial power, you could also opt to have lights underneath these, thereby making your preparations even-easier. Should you find yourself routinely struggling to see in the morning, we promise that this will be something of a god-send. Aside from the benefits that it carries from a functional sense, this is also a quick-and-easy way in which to make your bathroom more appealing from a visual perspective.

A Quick Introduction

Whilst it may not have been at the top of your list of priorities, the fact of the matter is that buying a bespoke wall mirror could easily upgrade your home to the next level. Mirrored walls are something that interior designers have been speaking about for years, yet it is only now that people are starting to pay attention to this.

Have you been searching for a high-quality contemporary mirror that can be installed in your bedroom? Think that a traditional mirror will look right at home in your living room? If you responded positively to either of these questions, the chances are that you are well-suited to Fitted Mirrors. You can learn more about our experience on our website; alternatively, feel free to pick up the phone and call us on 020 7737 1430.


